
Crossing the finish line, once again, and my final WWWP5k results

Background information

I have secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. In 2008 my maximum walking distance was less than one kilometer in one go. Luckily I have found a medicine that has helped me and enables me to exercise again. In 2010 I was already walking several kilometers every day. Here's a video of my walking results in 2010.

Earlier this week

I have been participating in Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k event. See all my WWWP5k posts in chronological order. I am from Finland (the only participant from Finland?). I'll put us on the map:

World map Finland

I have had some problems with my feet this week, but only on Thursday I was not able to walk full 5 kilometers on one go. Yesterday (Saturday) I walked 5 kilometers with my friend in a sunny weather, and that was already the fifth "five kilometer lap" for WWWP5k.


Today (Sunday, April 10th) is the actual date set for the walking event, and I was very happy to have my feet working so I could go for one final 5 kilometers. While I was walking I was thinking about all the Automatticcians and the Wordpress bloggers around the world who participate this walking initiative, and how I was part of this crowd. Birds were singing and the weather was great, feet were OK. Here's me at the "finishing line" of the last 5 kilometers:

5 kilometer walk finish

My head got cut off the picture accidentally, sorry :) As you can see, there is still some snow here in Central Finland, but the roads and walkways have already melted from the snow and ice and are mostly dry. Temperature was about 2 °C.

Final results and mileage

Today's walk was the 6th 5 kilometer walk this week, so that makes a total of 30 kilometers for WWWP5k.

I have also walked 10,4 kilometers in shorter than 5 km distances (just for fun, to grocery store, etc), so this week I have walked a grand total of 6 x 5 kilometers + 10,4 kilometers = 40,4 kilometers so far. I think I'll walk later today the two kilometers missing from marathon.

Thank you for reading about my participation in this WWWP5k event here in Finland. Tomorrow I'll continue blogging mostly in Finnish again.

Ja sitten vielä lyhyesti suomeksi: Kävelin eilen 5 kilometriä ja tänäänkin vielä 5 kilometriä, yhteensä matkaa WWWP5k-haasteeseen tuli tällä viikolla 6 x 5 km = 30 km. Muita kävelyitä on lisäksi tullut 10,4 km, joten matkaa on viikolle tähän mennessä kertynyt 40,4 km. Kävelen luultavasti vielä tänään maratonin täyteen. Ensi viikolla jatkuu taas bloggaus pääosin suomeksi.

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